Hydrogen to supersede LNG?

April 6, 2024

After attending a Hydrogen seminar last night, I have some news that I wanted to share.

The seminar was about a Hydrogen generation project happening in Albury here in 2024, but it got some brain juices flowing.

Especially in the application of dryers/boilers in the food and bev sector and gas fired furnaces for the steel industry.

The guts of a quick calculation:

Hydrogen is approx $7.00/kg. This is the upper USD limit from https://sustainability.crugroup.com/article/energy-from-green-hydrogen-will-be-expensive-even-in-2050#:~:text=Taking%20these%20costs%20into%20account,(real%202022)%20in%202050.

Hydrogen produces 120MJ/kg

LNG is domestically priced at $0.0193/J

This means Hydrogen costs is $0.0000000583/J

Long and short:

A couple of fast facts about Hydrogen

  • 15-20 litres of raw water to make 1kg of H
  • The electrolyser has a life of about 40000hrs or 4.8years
  • Despite its potential, challenges such as production efficiency, storage, and distribution infrastructure need to be addressed to fully unlock hydrogen's role as a renewable energy carrier on a large scale.
  • Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity.
  • Hydrogen can serve as a feedstock in the production of various industrial and agricultural products, including fertilizers and chemicals.
  • Hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel for various modes of transportation, particularly in fuel cell vehicles.
  • If Hydrogen was to be widely used in the transportation sector, it has some major safety challenges ahead.

Hydrogen is stacking up to be a very competitive alternative fuel source, any business operating any kind of burner should consider Hydrogen as a part of their future. My interest is to help everybody innovate for competitiveness and profitability.

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